Sunday, January 8, 2012

Popular Culture

Popular Culture
            Popular culture is the distinct practices, artifacts, institutions, customs, and values of a particular social group. In my opinion, there are many different popular cultures. Some are different than others. For us to get to know and understand each other, we need to learn and understand each other’s culture. This could create a unity between the different cultures and a better understanding of each other’s culture. I do not think that one culture is better than another, but some culture groups think that their culture is superior to other people’s cultures.
            It is important to have an understanding of popular culture when it comes to the business environment so that people can communicate efficiently and be able to respect each culture and their differences. In the present and future careers, it will be important to know and understand each culture because in my country, the U.S., we have an increase in the rate of people from different cultures and backgrounds residing in this country. Many of them are important to the job fields and the economy.
            In my opinion, I think that the web page Facebook is an example of a pop culture artifact. There are so many people from different countries and cultures that go to Facebook to make a connection with not only family, but with people from other cultures. For myself, I have spoken to people from many different parts of the world and we are now friends. Our differences did not stop us from understanding each other and how people can compromise with each other. Sometimes there was a language barrier but that is when we would ask questions and try to get the answers. People are beginning to learn different languages to fix the language barrier that can create problems between the different cultures. Furthermore, I do feel that there is an increase in the acceptance of the different cultures that exist. In conclusion, my blog URL is for those who want to participate in my blog.                                                                


  1. Very well done! Facebook does bring a lot of people together throughout the world. I thought your take on the importance of understanding pop culture was very accurate. Understanding different cultures and respecting is very important. I also think that it is important because it brings people together.

  2. Interesting concept ... Global Pop Culture! And an equally interesting concept ... Global Pop Culture as a means of building improved cross cultural understanding leading to a more harmonious world! I like it! Who wouldn't? Good job!
