Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Assignment 1-4-4: Written Analyses-Analysis 3

Heroes and Celebrities on Facebook
            This essay focuses on the concepts of heroes and the cult of the celebrity and how these apply to Facebook. Furthermore, I will discuss how these concepts describe Facebook.  Finally, I will mention the insights that I gained from applying these concepts to the website, Facebook.
Heroes and the Cult of the Celebrity that Apply and Describe Facebook
            To begin, there is quite the audience when it comes to Facebook. Not to mention there is so many people posting about their life and just wanting to reach out to all those interesting people in the world. Take for instance, Justin Bieber. I can’t recall how many times my son has sang the song, Baby. The great thing about the internet is that anyone can record themselves and post it to YouTube and from here, it can be viewed and posted to anyone’s wall on Facebook. Furthermore, this is how Justin Bieber was discovered. As of now, he is a famous young, pop artist. He succeeded at reaching fame and fortune from the people of one of today’s famous websites, YouTube. I am guaranteeing it was viewed by the many people of Facebook and the posting of comments swamped this website. This leads to my point on how these concepts describe Facebook. Anyone can become a hero or a celebrity because they reach to the public by going to websites and posting anything. This is a long shot, but by the example mentioned above and the success that he gained proves that it can happen. Until I started actually getting into talking to people on Facebook, I did not realize how successful this website was when it came to reaching out to the multitudes  of  people. Now, I am a avid user of the website, Facebook. I have conversations to many different people and I have gained knowledge of all the opportunities that Facebook can bring into one’s life. In my opinion, free advertisement is the best kind of advertisement. I guess it is up to the public if they decide to take advantage of the technology that is out there (“Songfacts, n.d.).

Songfacts. (n.d.) Baby by Justin Bieber. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say that my little guy is jamming to Justin Bieber's song, "Baby," right now. He is such a big fan. :) It is so funny and cute at the same time.
